Spoken English


  Spoken English

English is an (international) language and is understood all over the world in fact in today's world Speaking English has become a necessity moreover with the globalization of trade Commerce and new avenues of employment in BPOs and multinational companies the importance of fluent spoken English has grown immensely Being the international link language most of the people lack the requisite skills in the spoken English while conversing in different situations in Day-To-Day life. The proper grasping of the model conversation is illustrated ahead that will help you immensely to overcome the weaknesses.

 British Accent  American Accent
 Subject  Doer
 Helping Verb  Time Words
 Main Verb  Action


 He, She, It, Ram, Mohan, I, We, You, They etc.

Time words: Do, Does, Is, Am, Are, Was, Were, Has, Have, Had, Will, etc.


 Go, Come, Take, Drive, Pray, Read, Learn, Speak, etc.


When work is going on in present time then we use “Am” 

Formula- I am action+ ing.


 I am taking tea.

 I am riding the bike.

 I am attending the class.

 I am operating Mobile.

 I am sticking the poster.


When work is just finished in front of our eyes, then we use “Have”  

Formula- I have + action 3rd form  Example- 
1. I have applied the gel. 
2. I have wrung the clothes. 
3. I have read the newspaper. 
4. I have rolled the chapatti. 
5. I have spoken English.


When work is included in our present life then we use “Do” Formula- Do you + action 1st form? 

Example - 

1. Do you get up early? 
2. Do you pray to God? 
3. Do you ride the bike? 
4. Do you operate Mobile? 
5. Do you stick the poster? 


When work is included in our past life then we use “Did” 

Formula- Did you + action 1st form?

  Example - 
1. Did you see the doctor? 
2. Did you pray to God? 
3. Did you bunk off the class? 
4. Did you watch T.V.? 
5. Did you stick the poster? 


When work is included in our future life then we use “Will”

 Formula- Will you + action 1st form?

1. Will you get up at dawn? 
2. Will you tell a lie? 
3. Will you offer the namaj? 
4. Will you operate Mobile? 
5. Will you install A.C.? 
5. Will you install A.C.? 

Time Words Question Format -

1. Are You + action+ing? 
2. Is he + action+ing? 
3. Have you + action 3rd form? 
4. Has he + action 3rd form? 
5. Do you + action 1st form? 
6. Does he + action 1st form? 
7. Did you + action 1st form? 
8. Did he + action 1st form? 
9. Will you + action 1st form? 
10. Will he + action 1st form?

Answer Format -

1. I am + action+ing. 

2. He is + action+ing.
3. I have + action 3rd form.
4. He has + action 3rd form.
5. I + Action 1st form.
6. He + Action s/es form.
7. I + Action 2nd form.
8. He + Action 2nd form. 
9. I will + Action 1st form. 
10. He will + Action 1st form. Action

• Take tea 
• Ride bike 
• Attend the class 
• Operate mobile 
• Stick the poster 
• Speak English 
• Fly the kite 
• Drive the car 
• Watch Movie 
• Apply the gel 
• Wring the Clothes 
• Roll the chapatti 
• Knead the dough 
• Read the newspaper 
• Complete the home work 
• Get up early 
• Catch the bus 
• Pray to God 
• Comb the hair 
• Set the alarm 
• Sleep tight 
• Yawn 
• Snore 
• Liquor  
• Smoke 
• Tell a lie 
• Pretend ( excuse ) 
• Borrow the money 
• Lend the money 
• See the doctor 
• Bunk off the class 
• Operate the mobile 
• Submit copy 
• Get up at dawn 
• Offer the Namaj 
• Install the A.C.

 These are some action which we use in our daily Life. Do the practice.

Believe Experiment means, "Do not be afraid to make mistakes." When you speak with your US counterparts, be willing to experiment with new words. If you have heard new words or you have heard about one of their festivals and you want to wish them, then do experiments with those words and believe in yourself while you are talking. Remove this belief from your mind that only your English language skills are being evaluated, No! Your computing skills, your technical skills, your experience, your vision, your creativity and many more things which they should value and they will, if you believe in yourself! So it is really very important. So once again let me just sum-up the question which was, “I am suffering from a heavy mother tongue influence, what should I do”? And my answer to that is “It is very natural because English is a foreign language, right!" It’s not a disease, don’t be too harsh on yourself, don't be too hard on yourself and also believe in yourself, that this is not a big issue, There is so much more to your personality then just how you speak certain words. Don’t make this mistake my friends that often people commit to be fluent in English that is to put on an accent, that is speaking English words in the accent of other countries, without being comfortable with it, without having naturally experienced it. Just to appear hep or just to appear smart. Right! and that sounds fake and doesn’t impact that well. You will become a joke, which you don’t want too. So let it come to you naturally and through hard work, and in the meanwhile let me reassure," You are good enough!" Just because you can’t speak a foreign language with 100% efficiency doesn’t mean that you are less than anyone else. and until people of US, Australia, England and Britain who are the natives of those countries, can't speak Hindi as frequently as you can, you are two steps ahead of them, not behind!

 Thank You



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